Ajit Kumar has been suddenly breaking UK news with his photos being global across the asian scene in covering the wimbledon, formula 1 to the para athletics to covering the india festival and his name has been extremely common in seeing his photos go worldwide. He recently covered the A R Rahman concert which was at the Wembley stadium and his photos went viral across the UK plus also covering the Sadiq Khan Pride in London. He has broken news with his photo’s in more than 20 major papers. He is a fast Indian photographer who has burst his way through the door in less than 4 months and says ‘ I am happy, I am chuffed with my work and im very honoured now people are noticing me ‘ Ajit will be covering more than 15 events this month alone on his return from Bali. ‘ Yes i cant wait to start work again and get back into the shows, its a very much needed break ‘ Ajit remains humble and said ‘ I know my background, this is a hobby for me but i have covered the best events in the world in less than 5 months.