Karan Vig is Delhi’s hottest fashion designer for 2017 Karan Vig is Delhi’s most successful fashion designer this year. He has worked on huge projects and consists of being shown as a unique character, read more
Ajit Kumar the rising photographer from India Ajit Kumar has been suddenly breaking UK news with his photos being global across the asian scene in covering the wimbledon, formula 1 to read more
Kiran Rai covers radio times summer exhibition at royal academy of arts This evening our BOOOM TV reporter Kiran Rai attended the Radio Times summer exhibition which was held at the London Royal Academy which had buyers read more
Top Indian Artist Portraits Actor and Model Kiran Rai in Two British Art Galleries. Tushar Sabale a leading painter and artist who does exhibitions in the UK but is originally from India is one of the most special artists read more
Kiran Rai voted top 10 most successful artist and talks breaking headlines in 400 international newspapers, hosting his 27th major show and plans next step to Hollywood and Bollywood Kiran Rai talks to BOOOM TV on his life and currently today has been voted top 10 most successful artist in UKwithout having a read more